Session Details - IWG12

Session Details
Section IWG - Interdisciplinary Working Groups
Session Title Utilization of satellite imagery and geoinformatics for geosciences and related problems
Main Convener Mr. Shoji Matsubara (JAXA, Japan)
Session Description The Advanced Land Observing Satellite “Daichi” (ALOS) launched in January 2006 and the data distribution started from last October. Thailandd’s first Earth observation satellite, THEOS, in developing underway for 2008 launch. We can utilize such satellite imagery in various fields of geosciences and related social problems, such as environment monitoring, disaster mitigation and so on. Furthermore, geoinformatics can enhance the potential of remote sensing through the synergy with GIS datasets and/or in-situ ground based observation. We welcome any participants those who are interested in these topics to submit paper.