Session Details - ST03

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Magnetospheric storms and substorms: Investigations from multipoint research
Main Convener Dr. Anthony Lui (JHU/APL, United States)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Zuyin Pu (Peking University, China)
Session Description Magnetospheric storms and substorms are major disturbances in the Earth’s near-space environment. Investigations of these space disturbances began with ground-based observations. Efforts promoted by the International Geophysical Year program provided worldwide observations, which prove to be indispensable in gaining a global perspective of these phenomena. With the advent of space exploration, observational capability has now advanced to instruments covering both remote-sensing and in situ measurements from multiple locations in space and on the ground. Additionally, several international programs such as International Solar Terrestrial Program and Cluster, aided by advances in global numerical simulations of the magnetosphere, have demonstrated significant advantages in probing the underlying physical processes from a multipoint approach. This session solicits presentations on the understanding and/or predictions of magnetospheric storms and substorms from multipoint research.