Session Details - ST17

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Natural frontiers in solar-terrestrial interactions: recent numerical simulations versus experimental results
Main Convener Prof. Bertrand Lembege (CETP-IPSL-UVSQ, France)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Sandra Chapman (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Dr. Iku Shinohara (ISAS/JAXA, Japan)
Session Description Within the overall interaction between the solar wind and the terrestrial magnetosphere, external and internal natural frontiers form which play a crucial role in terms of energy exchange between two different states of spatial plasma , and are sources of high energy particles and associated waves emission. Intricated wave particle interactions, nonlinear effects and nonstationary mechanisms, partially or fully control the overall dynamics of these frontiers over micro- to meso-scales. The present session will welcome discussions of results issued from theory, different types of mono/multi-dimensional numerical simulations and experimental data obtained from space missions. Such a comparison between these approaches is now possible thanks to refined measurements obtained on board of recent multi-spacecraft missions (Cluster-2, Double-Star); comparison with data issued from other missions (Geotail, Wind) will be also encouraged. Concerned applications are in magnetospheric, ionospheric and space plasma physics. Examples of boundary layers of concern are:(i) collisionless shocks and foreshock regions, (ii) magnetopause, (iii) plasma sheet current, (iv) potential drop in the ionosphere, (iv) basic particle acceleration process, and (v) dynamics of interface in space active experiments.