Session Details - PS05

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Science And Exploration of Mars and Venus
Main Convener Prof. S.A Haider (Physical Research Laboratory, India)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Jing-Song Wang (Peking University, China)
Mr. Harald Hoffmann (DLR Berlin, Germany)
Dr. Jorn Helbert (DLR, Germany)
Session Description This session will address the latest results of the different ongoing missions in orbit around Venus and Mars as well as on the surface of Mars. It will cover all fields of research from the ionosphere, the atmosphere to the surface and planetary interior. With Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, there are actually four spacecrafts orbiting Mars while the two MER rovers continue their field trip on ground. Venus Express finally is exploring Venus from orbit. All these missions are extending and modifying our understanding of the two planets substantially. The session is primarily targeted
at presentations of new measurements, but authors presenting papers on theory and modelling in support of the analysis of new results will be most welcome. The second objective of the session is to discuss upcoming future mission programs and the results obtained from new ground-based observations. Broad solicited talks and focused contributed presentations will be highlighted in the program. Comparative studies of common features and processes in the atmosphere/ionosphere of Venus and Mars are encouraged.