Session Details - IWG09

Session Details
Section IWG - Interdisciplinary Working Groups
Session Title Geodesy/Geodynamics and Geohazards
Main Convener Prof. Shuanggen Jin (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Insitute, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Yu. Barkin (Alicante University, Spain)
Session Description Geohazards associated with Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Sea level change, El Nino, Weather, etc. are mainly due to interactions of the lithosphere, atmosphere, oceans, hydrosphere, but possibly related to Astronomical factors, such as Sun activities, Earth rotation, etc. The interdisciplinary: Astro-Geodynamics plays a key role in observing, modeling and mitigating geohazards associating with space geodesy observations, e.g. GPS, InSAR, Satellite Altimetry and recent LEO Gravimetry (CHAMP/GRACE/GOCE). This session welcomes all contributions from multi-scales’ Earth Rotation/Polar Motion, geohazards correlations/factors, crustal deformation, GPS remote sensing atmosphere, time-varying gravity to dynamic Earth processes.