Session Details - SE96

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Paleosols and Paleoclimates
Main Convener Prof. B. P. Singh (Banaras Hindu University, India)
Session Description Paleosols are fossil soils that formed on stable land surfaces of the past under the influence of climate and biomass and their maturity depends on the time taken in their formation. As climate is one of the chief factors, which influences paleosol formation, the paleosol is considered as a potential tool for interpretations of past climates.Ideally, the globe is divisible into four climatic zones and the distribution of varieties of paleosols are considered as governed by climatic variability of the different zones. Oxisols, Histosols, Calcisols,Vertisols and Gleysols are climatically much significant where Oxisols form in warm and humid climates, Histosols develop in humid-subtropical climate, Calcisol and Gypsisol form in dry subtropical climate while Gleysols and Vertisols indicate alternate subhumid and arid/semiarid climates.
In the backdrop of significane of the different varieties of paleosols to deciphering paleoclimates in sedimentary and other sequences, I intend to convene a session on this issue where researchers form the Asia-Oceania region will present their findings regarding characterization of paleosols in different sequences of this region. This will also include data on past atmospheric carbon dioxide and roles of micobes in precipiatation of calcareous paleosols (calcretes).