Session Details - SE97

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Open session in environmental magnetism
Main Convener Dr. Satria Bijaksana (Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Akira Hayashida (Doshisha University, Japan)
Session Description Over the last two decades, magnetic methods have been used as proxies for environmental change in various geological settings. Magnetic studies on loess and lake sediments, for example, have been linked to change in climate, while similar studies on urban soils or leaves have been used to characterize pollution. In light of growing numbers of such studies and the advance of instrumentation and methodology, magnetic parameters could soon decipher environmental changes in a more comprehensible manner than ever before. This open session welcomes contributions from all aspects of environmental magnetism. We would like to encourage contributions in 1) new techniques to obtain magnetic signature of environmental change in various natural materials and in 2) case studies on application of magnetic methods in unique settings.