Session Details - ST18

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Space weather - Coupling processes from the Sun to the Earth
Main Convener Dr. Shinichi Watari (National Institute of Info. and Com. Tech., Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Bei-Chen Zhang (Polar Research Institute of China, China)
Dr. Y. Otsuka (STELAB, Japan)
Prof. Xiaohua Deng (Wuhan University, China)
Prof. Q.-G. Zong (University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States)
Dr. Huaning Wang (National Astronomical Observatories, China)
Session Description Space weather impacts human activities, such as communications, navigations, spacecraft operations, aviation, and electric power. It is important for space weather researches to resolve coupling processes between different regimes using observations and simulations. This session gives opportunity to discuss latest progress of the space weather researches on the sun, solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere and modeling efforts for them.