Session Details - ST07

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Macro and Micro Views on Magnetic Reconnection
Main Convener Prof. Q.-G. Zong (University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Zuyin Pu (Peking University, China)
Session Description The conversion of magnetic energy to particle kinetic energy underlies many important phenomena in nature from the solar system to cosmic stellar flares. More than sixty years ago reconnection was suggested as a possible mechanism for converting magnetic field energy into kinetic energy of charged particles. However, how magnetic field reconnection occurs is a longstanding question in plasma physics, space and astro-physics.
This special session will provide a forum to discuss macro and micro views on magnetic reconnection and the bridges between the macro- and micro-physics of magnetic reconnection.

Zuyin Pu, Peking University,
Q.-G. Zong, U Mass Lowell,