Session Details - OS06

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
Session Title Development of Ocean Modeling and Its Application
Main Convener Prof. Yign Noh (Yonsei University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Jong Hwan Yoon (Kyushu University, Japan)
Prof. Toshiyuki Hibiya (Tokyo University, Japan)
Session Description Ocean modeling plays an increasingly important role for the prediction and understanding of climate and ocean circulation. The improvement of the predictability of ocean modeling has been attempted from various perspectives; for example, sub-grid scale parameterization, numerical methods, data assimilation, boundary condition, grid structure, etc.. Progress in ocean modeling has also benefited from the comparison of simulation results with observation. The exchange of information on the recent progress in ocean modeling development and its applications will contribute significantly to ocean modeling community in Asia and Oceania. Therefore, we would like to invite the presentation of recent works on ocean modeling. Presentations are encouraged both on model development and on the analysis of simulation results, global or regional ocean.