Session Details - OS15

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
Session Title Impact of the global warming on the western Pacific and Marginal seas
Main Convener Dr. Young-Gyu Park (Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Dr. SANG-WOOK YEH (Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, Korea, South)
Prof. Lixin Wu (Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China)
Session Description The global warming must be the strongest signal in the current climate system and affects on the earth in diverse ways. The aim of this session is to explore and understand how such climate change affects on the variability of the western Pacific Ocean and marginal seas. This session will focus on a description of variability in physical and ecological ocean system from short to long timescales under climate change projections. Understanding changes in various aspects of ocean system due to the global warming also is within the scope of this session. Papers on observational, modeling and theoretical studies on the western Pacific Ocean and marginal seas under climate change projections are encouraged.