Session Details - HS16

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Statistical and Stochastic Hydrology
Main Convener Prof. Taha Ouarda (INRS-ETE, Canada)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen (McGill University, Canada)
Session Description The objectives of this session are to provide a forum for exchange of the latest developments in the application of statistical and stochastic methods in hydrology. Proposed presentations can deal with the general topic of the development and application of statistical tools in hydrology. The applications can deal, among others, with one of the following topics: data acquisition and validation, hydrology of ungauged basins, hydrological frequency analysis, statistical and stochastic modelling of floods and droughts, sediment transport, catchment hydrology, monitoring network design, risk and reliability in hydrology, etc. The focus of the session has particular relevance given that the vulnerability of society to the impacts of hydrological events has increased. This gives rise to an increasingly critical need to understand and manage the stochastic hydrological processes that underly our environment. This session is an opportunity for engineers and scientists to meet and report on ways in which statistical analyses can be integrated in an effective and useful manner in order to meet the challenges being faced in the field of water resources and handle the uncertainties that are due to inherent randomness of the processes involved and to our inability to understand these processes completely. Statistical and stochastic approaches provide basic analytical tools to quantify and to incorporate uncertainties in the decision-making process.
Organisers: T. Ouarda & V-T-V Nguyen