Session Details - HS23

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Decision Support System for Water Resources Operation and Design
Main Convener Dr. Chavalit Chaleeraktrakoon (Thammasat University, Thailand)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Suwatana Chittaladakorn (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
Session Description Decision support system currently plays bigger role in solving water resources problems, particularly for operation and design as well as analysis for the selection of appropriated water resource policies and alternatives. At present, many researches attempt to combine various information and more parameters to the decision support, since the problems are more complex due to the uncertainty of current climate change. These researches also include some integrated sets of tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis together with methods for approaching solution using models and rule based expert systems. Therefore, the objective of this session is to look at the recent developments in various mathematical models for evaluation, comparison, operation, and design of alternative water resource projects and plans, including the application of algorithms for decision support system. Contributions are sought on the applications in a wide range of topics including mathematical programming and simulation, probability and statistics, multi-objective modeling, and water resources decision support system modeling, etc.