Session Details - AS10

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Atmospheric Environment and Pollution
Main Convener Prof. Hyo Choi (Kangnung National University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Selahattin Incecik (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
Dr. Peter Brimblecombe (University of East Anglia, United Kingdom)
Dr. Kuruvilla John (Texas A&M University - Kingsville, United States)
Session Description The objective of Atmospheric Environment Session is to promote mutual exchange of scientific knowledge and technology for comfortable human life through the maintenance of clean air quality in the recent rapidly developing Asian countries. For the future cooperation of research on the improvement of air quality among environmental scientists of south-eastern, north-eastern and middle eastern Asian countries including Australia, Russia and U.S.A., it is necessary to compose the following research topics for effective oral and poster presentations at the 2nd AGOS Annual Meeting as •Combustion & Radioactive aerosols •Toxic and Hazardous Pollutant Management •PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 •Pollution Impacts on Forest, Vegetation and Soil •Health Impact of Air Pollution •Urban and Rural Air Quality •Air Quality Modeling •Air Quality Management •Regional Studies of air pollution •Air pollution policy & law •Acid Rain •Ozone Problems •Assessment, Monitoring and Control •Global Scale pollution Problems •Industrial Emissions •Decision Support Systems •Risk Management •Indoor Air Quality •Air Pollution Impact to Climate Change •Dust storm Generation and Transportation, etc.