Session Details - SE91

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Challenges of Large-Scale Computing in the Geosciences
Main Convener Dr. Huai Zhang (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Co-convener(s) Prof. David A. Yuen (University of Minnesota, United States)
Dr. John B. Rundle (UC Davis, United States)
Prof. Paul Tackley (Institute for Geophysics, Switzerland)
Session Description Recent rapid progress in state-of-the-art cyberinfrastructure in high-performance computing (HPC) and grid computing is giving geoscientists an enormous boost for addressing multi-physical phenomena with their attendant multiple-scales via large-scale computations and distributed parallel data processing schemes. The objective of this session is providing a forum for the presentation and communication of novel algorithms, state-of-the-art modeling and implementation in the research fields of mathematical and geo-mechanical descriptions of multi-scale, coupled and strongly correlated systems. We solicit papers on emerging novel algorithms and formulations for large-scale computing, parallel or distributed data processing, data mining and data assimilation, visualization of large data sets and data grid technology. We would also like to invite contributions from application areas, such as mantle convection, tsunami modeling, seismic wave propagation or the geodynamo. We particularly encourage contributions using agent-based modeling, risk modeling, pattern analysis and their practical applications, including the related developments of verification and validation methodology.

We are anticipating to publishing an e-book, both online and with hard-copy, from the selected contributions coming from this assembly.