Session Details - HS08

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Climate Change and Meteorological/Hydrological Hazards
Main Convener Dr. Chad Shouquan Cheng (Environment Canada, Canada)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen (McGill University, Canada)
Session Description It has become widely recognized that under a changing climate, the frequency of meteorological/hydrological hazards and associated damage costs would more likely increase in the 21st century. To expand adaptive capacity to minimize future hazardous risks, solid scientific information on future estimates is essential for decision makers to develop adaptation strategies and policies. This information includes quantitative assessments on changes in frequency and magnitude of meteorological and hydrological hazards under the future climate. This session invites submissions of papers concerning climate change impacts on meteorological and hydrological hazards using GCM, RCM, and/or statistical downscaled scenarios. Meteorological/hydrological hazards include (but not limited to) heavy rainfall, flooding, drought, freezing rain, wind gust, hurricane, tornado, etc. The purpose of this session is to provide a platform for researchers to share information, exchange latest developments and applications of climate change impacts analyses on meteorological and hydrological hazards.