Session Details - HS10

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Advances in the Development of Eco-efficient Water Infrastructure
Main Convener Dr. Ti Le-Huu (UNESCAP, Thailand)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Ilpyo Hong (Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Korea, South)
Dr. Eva Abal (South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership, Australia)
Session Description The Session summarizes recent developments in the new concept of sustainable water resources management through the promotion of eco-efficiency and related development of water infrastructure. The session is also expected to provide a forum for the efforts made by various countries in Asia and the Pacific on minimizing environmental impacts of the socio-economic development process, especially in the development of water resources infrastructure and for dialogues between researchers in water resources and environmental management on the one hand and water resources development experts on the other.