Session Details - HS12

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Development and Implementation of New Methods and Technologies for Urban Waters Management
Main Convener Prof. Philippe Gourbesville (University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France)
Co-convener(s) Mr. Harry Seah (PUB Singapore's National Water Agency, Singapore)
Session Description The challenge of urban waters is one of the most important technical issue of the modern societies. To answer to the growing demands from the users, new methods and technical approaches are needed. This session organized jointly with the water industrials is dedicated to the implementation of the new methods and technologies available now and in the near future for urban water management.
The session will be organized around 4 main topics:
- hydroinformatic needs for urban water management in Mega Cities
- data acquisition and data management
- new sensors, real time control decision system and inverse modelling
- simulation technologies, new digital environments and ambiant computing

The session is included in the cycle of conferences organized during the World Water City Forum in Incheon, the week after AOGS conference.