Session Details - HS21

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Climate Change and River Basin Management
Main Convener Prof. Akira Mano (Tohoku University, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Hisao Nagabayashi (Nihon University, Japan)
Session Description Understanding the nature and potential consequences of climate variability and climate change on river systems management is one of the biggest and most immediate challenges facing river managers around the world. The overall objective of the proposed session is hence to examine how the river basin should be managed in the face of climate change and variability. This is important because river managers are still unsure how to incorporate climate change in river basin management. More specifically, the proposed session will address the following main questions:
• What are the pressures facing water resources and river basin management under changing climate conditions and how do we assess the relative importance of these pressures and the associated degree of uncertainty?
• How to predict accurately at the river basin scale changes in water resources and the environment caused by climate variability and change?
• How to determine the best river basin management strategies, adaptation measures, and vulnerability assessment procedures that can cope with climate change and other physical, socio-economic and institutional constraints?

This session will provide a forum for exchanging the latest developments in the modelling approaches and practical experiences in dealing with the assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation measures in river basin management. Proposed presentations can deal, among others, with one of the following topics:
• Timing and impacts of projected climate change on the rivers and consequently on water resources in Asia.
• Modeling of contaminant transport in rivers in a changing climate.
• Wetland management in a time of change.
• Floodplain river management
• Climate change effects on freshwater environments in Asia.
• Integrated water resource management
• Policy and decision making at the river basin scale.