Session Details - HS29

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Remote Sensing and GIS applications for Groundwater Resource Monitoring and Management
Main Convener Dr. SK Subramanian (National Remote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation, India)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Durairaju Kumaran Raju (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Session Description Groundwater resource which accounts for about 26% of world fresh water needs to be exploited and monitored, properly, to fulfill the ever increasing demand of water. Global water and energy balances are key to understand climatic change. Special emphasis is thus required on groundwater recharge, management and monitoring programmes to meet the future challenges especially for the developing countries. However, development and monitoring of groundwater resource is still at large in the preliminary stage due to complex subsurface conditions. Overexploitation of groundwater resource is causing alarming rate of lowering of water table and depletion of its quality. Monitoring and management of groundwater conditions over a large area extent through conventional methods are quiet difficult. Remote Sensing technology with the advantage of providing spatial, spectral and temporal data covering large and inaccessible areas within a short time has become very handy tool in accessing, monitoring and conserving groundwater resources. Remote sensing, besides helping in targeting potential zones for groundwater exploration, provides inputs for groundwater resources estimation and artificial recharging, which proved to be a great success in managing groundwater resource and quality. Geographic Information System (GIS) can also be made use as an efficient platform for integrating huge volumes of spatial and non-spatial hydrogeological datasets for modeling the ground water resources in complex terrains. Remotely sensed data are more useful when they are combined with GIS techniques, numerical models and ground based information.