Session Details - HS30

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Groundwater Reserves, Future Requirement and Management and Artificial Recharging
Main Convener Prof. Bhawani Shanker Paliwal (Department of Geology, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Kanhaiya Lal Shrivastava (JNV,University, India)
Session Description The proposed Session will cover all the important aspects of Hydrogeology like Proved Ground Water Reserves available at present through the world and Possible Deep Ground Water Reserves that can be explored in Future, Growth Rate of World Population and Expected World Population in near Future, World Future Requirement of Water and Contribution of Ground Water Componant to this, Managemant Strategy of Ground Water and Ground Water Plicies and Acts of Different Countries and New Devices to be Evolved for the Artificial Recharge of Ground Water and Applied in Different Countries
The Main Convener had been the Convenewr of Hydrogeology Symposium of the 33rd IGC -2008, Oslo, Norway.