Session Details - OS03-AS21

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
OS - Ocean Sciences
Session Title Atmospheric forcing on ocean biogeochemistry in the East Asian marginal seas and the adjacent Pacific Ocean
Main Convener Dr. George T F Wong (Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Tong Zhu (Peking University, China)
Session Description Interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere are a major driving force of oceanic processes. The classical and long recognized linkages are of course the atmospheric forcing on wind-driven and thermohaline circulations in the oceans and the effect of atmospheric processes on marine primary production through their influence on the temperature and light field in the upper ocean. However, it is increasingly evident that the interactions are much more involved and there are intricate, dynamic, immensely significant and, in some cases, interactive linkages between atmospheric processes, which are a principal determinant of global climate, and ocean biogeochemistry. As a result of these linkages, ocean biogeochemistry will be altered by and, at the same time, will modulate changes in global climate. This session will focus on how the exchanges of momentum, energy and matter across the air-sea interface may affect the biogeochemistry of the oceans, especially as evidenced in the East Asian marginal seas and the adjacent Pacific Ocean.