Session Details - AS07

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Climate change and tropical climatic hazards in Asia Oceania
Main Convener Dr. Yuriy Kuleshov (Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)
Session Description The effects of climate change on climatic hazards in Asia Oceania such as tropical cyclones, thunderstorms and lightning need to be studied in detail. Thunderstorms and lightning are temperature-sensitive weather phenomena and there is a possibility of increase in thunderstorm and lightning activity in warmer climate. Tropical cyclones are the most dangerous weather phenomena in the tropics. Although there is some uncertainty about the effect of climate change on intensity and tracks of tropical cyclones, rising sea level could result in more risks from coastal storms. Also, increases in the intensity or frequency or changes in the paths of tropical cyclones could increase storm damage in coastal areas. Influence of the El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation phenomenon on variation in tropical cyclones activity has been demonstrated. However, tropical cyclone genesis and development are influenced by a number of large-scale environmental factors. Presentations in this session will be concerned with, but not limited to, results of research on present climatology and influence of the key large-scale environmental factors on variability in tropical cyclone, thunderstorm and lightning activity, as well as examining trends, predicting possible changes in frequency and intensity of these tropical climatic hazards in Asia Oceania and providing recommendation how to plan current and future adaptation and mitigation policies.