Session Details - ST12

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Recent Advances in the Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere
Main Convener Dr. Charles Lin (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Jann-Yenq (Tiger) Liu (National Central University, Taiwan)
Prof. Frederick Menk (The University of Newcastle, Australia)
Session Description The behavior of the mid- and low-latitude ionosphere is significantly affected by variations in solar output and the neutral atmosphere, and coupling to the magnetosphere for which the ionosphere forms the lower boundary. Day-to-day variations of the neutral atmosphere and the equatorial dynamo electric field result in variability of the ionospheric plasma during magnetically quiescent periods, while dynamic variations and anomalous ionospheric variations are formed during magnetic disturbances. The increasing number of ground- and space-based ionospheric observations provides increasingly detailed information on the interaction of the mid- and low-latitude ionosphere with the underlying atmosphere and external inputs. This session solicits studies of the ionospheric morphology, irregularities and disturbances at mid- and low-latitude regions using ground-based and in-situ observations and models. Long-term climatology observations and event studies of relevant topics are also solicited.