Session Details - ST17

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Particle Acceleration and Radio Emissions in Solar-terrestrial and Planetary Environment: Recent Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Results
Main Convener Dr. Yuto Katoh (Tohoku University, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Bo Li (University of Sydney, Australia)
Session Description Signature of the enhancement of micro-scale wave-particle/wave-wave interactions exhibit in meso- and macro-scale phenomena in the form of acceleration of particles and generation of radio emissions. Recent highly spatio-temporal resoluted observations enable us to understand details of interactions in space plasmas and serve opportunities of direct comparison with theories and simulations. This session focuses on recent progress of our knowledge of particle acceleration and wave generation processes through wave-particle/wave-wave interactions occurring in the solar-terrestrial and planetary environment. Contributions from all the relevant fields including theoretical studies, data analysis and laboratory experiments are welcome.