Session Details - AS20

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Radiatively and Chemically Active Trace Gases Over Asia and Oceania
Main Convener Dr. Manish Naja (ARIES, India)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Mukai Hitoshi (NIES, Japan)
Dr. Marcel van der Schoot (CSIRO, Australia)
Session Description Increasing levels of radiatively and chemically active trace gases are of major concern for global warming, climate & environmental changes. These issues are of much more concern over rapidly developing Asian region where emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone precursor gases are showing an increase, while emissions are steady or decreasing over most parts of Europe and the USA. In addition to the increasing anthropogenic sources, natural factors like higher solar radiation and large amount of water vapour make tropical Asian regions photochemically most active. Tropical rain forests in South East Asia are potential sink of CO2, however, forest fires in this region may also produce lot of CO2 in some cases. Despite of these importance, South Asia and South East Asia severely lack systematic long-term observations of greenhouse gases, ozone related gases, and radicals. This session is mainly focused on in-situ and space-borne observations of greenhouse gases, ozone precursor gases and radicals over Asia Oceania region. Observations from air-borne/ship-borne platform, CO2 fluxes, modeling studies and emission inventories for Asian region are also invited in this session.