Session Details - ST03

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Nonlinear Waves and Particle Acceleration Processes in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
Main Convener Dr. Gurbax Lakhina (Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, India)
Co-convener(s) Mr. Nagendra Singh (University of Alabama, United States)
Prof. Yoshiharu Omura (Kyoto University, Japan)
Session Description Nonlinear Alfvén, whistler and electrostatic plasma waves (Langmuir, ion-and electron-acoustic, lower hybrid, etc) are commonly observed in astrophysical plasmas, e.g., planetary magnetospheres, solar wind, interplanetary shocks, and solar wind termination shock, etc. Several spacecraft like, Geotail, Polar, FAST and Cluster have observed Electrostatic solitary waves (ESWs) and solitary Alfvén waves throughout the Earth's magnetosphere at narrow boundaries, like, the magnetopause boundary layer, the plasma sheet boundary layer, the magnetosheath, the bow shock, and in strong currents, such as those associated with the auroral acceleration region. Large amplitude whistler mode chorus has been observed usually outside the plasmapause both during the day and night time. The electrostatic solitary structures are found in the electric field parallel to the background magnetic field, and are usually bipolar or tripolar. The ESWs are believed to be important for magnetic reconnection as well as in electron shock surfing acceleration. Interaction of particles with large amplitude Alfvén waves and chorus can lead to their heating and acceleration. The proposed session is aimed at the synthesis of our current understanding of the issues related to the generation of ESWs, chorus, Alfvén and whistler solitons, and their role in heating and acceleration of the plasma. In particular, contribution from the application of theory, simulation and data analyses which employ multipoint measurements from Geotail, FAST, Polar, Cluster, Double Star, Themis and other spacecraft are encouraged.