Session Details | |
Section | ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences |
Session Title | Ionospheric Plasma Density Structures and Irregularities: Recent Observations and Theoretical Efforts |
Main Convener | Dr. Amit Patra (National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, India) |
Co-convener(s) | Dr. Yuichi Otsuka (Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan) |
Session Description | Ionospheric plasma density structures and irregularities: Recent observations and theoretical efforts Conveners: A K Patra (Nattional Atmosphereic Reserach Laboratory, Gadanki, AP, INDIA). and Y Otsuka (Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JAPAN) Research in the field of ionospheric plasma density structures and irregularities has gained phenomenal importance due to its applications in precise communication and navigation. In the recent times, several major satellite based experimental missions to address these issues are in place. Parallel initiatives have been taken to carry out ground-based observations. This session is focused on discussing new observations and theories to address the issues related to ionospheric plasma density structures and irregularities. Some important issues to be addressed are: (1) equatorial plasma irregularities with emphasis on the role of bottom side undulated structures and low latitude E and F region coupling to the bubble formation, (2) low-to-middle latitude and middle-to-low latitude propagation of plasma structures and their role in F region plasma irregularities from recent ground based observations, (3) the role of lower atmospheric processes, especially the role of tides and gravity waves in plasma structuring in the E-F regions and seeding plasma bubble, and (4) recent theoretical and numerical simulation works on plasma irregularities. Recent observations both ground based, such as radar and airglow, and satellite borne, such as CNOFS, CHAMP, KOMPSAT, FORMOSAT-II, FORMOSAT-III; and theories will be discussed to address the present and future state of the ionosphere including the prediction capability of equatorial plasma bubble. |