Session Details - ST20

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Multiscale Processes at Natural Frontiers of Terrestrial and Planetary Magnetospheres
Main Convener Dr. Bertrand Lembege (LATMOS-IPSL-UVSQ-CNRS, France)
Session Description Naturals frontiers play a key role in the intricated solar wind -magnetosphere interactions where important exchanges of energy takes places. One major difficulty in the understanding of the natural frontiers dynamics is due to the fact that these exchanges establish over quite different spatial and temporal scales via different processes. The aim of this session is to focuss on recent advances obtained on these processes based on experimental observations, theory and numerical simulations. A particular emphasis will be given both on outer and inner frontiers such as the shock and foreshock areas, the magnetosheath, the magnetopause, the polar cusp, the magnetotail, the plasma sheet and the radiation belts where CLUSTER, DOUBLE STAR and other space missions have provided a large coverage of informations on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Papers focussed on advances developped for preparing new challenging multispacecrafts missions such as X-SCALE and MMS are also very welcome. Comparison between experimental results on frontiers obtained at the Earth (based both on mono- and multi-points measurements) and at other planetary magnetospheres is also strongly encouraged.