Session Details - SE02

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion, Strong-motion Seismology, Site Response and Seismic Hazard
Main Convener Dr. Prantik Mandal (NGRI (CSIR), Hyderabad, India)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Imtiyaz Parvez (CMMACS (CSIR), Belur Road, Bangalore, India)
Session Description Due to frequent occurrences of large devastating earthquakes around the globe, it has become an urgent issue to predict earthquake ground motion (acceleration, velocity and displacement), which, in turn, will form the most important input for the proper designing of earthquake-resistant buildings. The prediction of such motion or assessment of seismic hazard has always been of primary interest for seismologists and structural engineers. Since recent years, the rapid development of theoretical and numerical tools has led to new understandings of source complexity, seismic wave field, effect of site geology, and seismic destructions. Interaction between seismologists and earthquake engineers has obtained fruitful results. New scientific problems have been emerging from the needs of the development of large/critical engineering works and big cities. Numerical modeling of ground motion associated with sedimentary basin has been found to be very useful in studying the influence of low velocity basin sediments in amplifying the earthquake ground motion. Recently, many earthquakes have generated plenty of strong motion data recorded by densely deployed high-quality strong motion networks in developed countries. However, in comparison, in most of the developing countries/regions with high seismic activity and intense earthquake disasters, there is still lack of enough strong motion recordings. Modeling of ground motions, observations and study of earthquake hazard in these countries/regions are urgently needed for the safety of society with the threatening of earthquake disasters. Meeting these dual challenges is one of the tasks of seismological and engineering communities in the coming decade. To reflect the up-to-date advancements in modeling of ground motion, site response, earthquake hazard assessment and strong ground motion seismology, and to foster inter-disciplinary international exchange and cooperation in these fields, this session will be focusing on, but not limited to, the following topics:
1) Modeling of earthquake ground motion, 2) Site response studies, 3) Strong motion seismology: observation, interpretation, and modeling; 4) Earthquake hazard assessment: probabilistic and deterministic approaches; 5) Interaction among seismological community, engineering community, policy makers, and the public in the perspective of the preparedness and management of earthquake disasters.