Session Details - SE04

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Tectonic Framework,seismicity and Regional Geological Configuration of Himalayas and Neighbouring Region
Main Convener Prof. Anshu K. Sinha (BSIP,(GOI) LKO, India)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Ashok Dubey (Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, India)
Prof. Jean-Pierre Burg (ETH Zurich,, Switzerland)
Session Description The mountain chain of the Himalayas occupies a very significant
area in the global tectonic configuration. It has developed from the Tethys sea which divided the Gondwana and Angara land.
Plate dynamics played an important role in the building and uplifting of the region and subduction of Indian plate and obduction and rise of lofty mountain range including Everest and Tibetan Plateau.
The compression and tensional forces made the region under constant stress causing earthquakes and seismic activities.
The rise of Himalayas,setting of monsoon and constant erosion of landmass caused the change in global climate.

Keywords;Himalayas ,PlateTectonics,Seismicity,glaciers recession climate change.