Session Details - SE12

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Styles of Magmatism in Shield Areas
Main Convener Dr. Jyotisankar Ray (University of Calcutta, India)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Leone Melluso (di Scienze della Terra Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
Dr. Chakravadhanula Manikyamba (National Geophysical Research Institute, India)
Dr. EzzElDin Khalaf (Cairo University, Egypt)
Session Description Different shield areas of the world reveal chequred history of magmatism controlled by varying tectnic controls. Bi- modal magmatism has been reported to play an important role in different shield areas. Occurrences of basic rocks (correspoding to enriched magma type) and boninitic rocks (corresponding to depleted parental magma type)are present in a particular shield area. It is believed that in some of the shield areas, alkaline magmatism marks the presence of an enriched reservoir in Late Archaean mantle. Very often, the geoscientists have deciphered presence of the Archaean High-Mg Diorite Suite as a link to Tonalite–Trondhjemite–Granodiorite Magmatism which in turn bears Implications for Early Archaean crustal Growth.The complex geodynamic origin of the Neoproterozoic ophiolites in shield areas (particularly in Indian and Arabin shield) suggests intricate patterns of plate tectonics and of course mantle plume -siganture. Athough the scientists have elucidated a varied nature of magama- types from different shield areas, a coherent model of evolution of such magama types in different shiled areas (with adequtae age- constraints) is yet to be formulated . This techincal sessions is expected to throw new light for detail understanding of magma- genesis and ambient tectonism for different shields of the world. This session will hopefully provide answers to some enigmatic questions pertaining to varying styles of magamatism in shield areas.