Session Details - HS13

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Flood Defence Technology for Next Generation
Main Convener Prof. Kun-Yeun Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Jaeeung Yi (Ajou University, Korea, South)
Session Description Flood damage in the world has dramatically increased since intensity and frequency of local heavy rainfall as well as scale and magnitude of typhoon tend to increase. To resolve these problems, it is needed that nonstructural measures such as flood information systems as well as structural measure such as river improvement and detention/retention basin supplement for flood control.
Main Topics of this session are as follows :
- Nationwide Flood Control Planning Assessment and Standardization
- Design Technology for Flood Control
- Improvement of Laws and Guidelines related to Flood Control
- Standardization for Certification of River Structure
- Optimized Technology for Watershed Flood Control
- Extreme Flood Management resulting from Failure of Hydraulic Structure
- Flood Protection Considering the Change of Future Environment
- Non-structural Measures and Assessment Technology
- Emergency Action Planning System against Extreme Flood