Session Details - PS15

Session Details
Section PS - Planetary Sciences
Session Title Space Radiation -Energetic Particles
Main Convener Prof. Susan Mckenna-Lawlor (Space Technology Ireland Ltd, Ireland)
Session Description Aspirations to ultimately send manned missions to destin- ations that include the Moon, Mars and beyond warrant that consideration be given to estimating the health hazards posed at these locations by both galactic cosmic radiation and solar related energetic particles. It is hereby proposed that the Radiation Session be divided into three parts:

(i) Space radiation science to include: solar activity; radiation in interplanetary space and in planetary environments; ground level radiation (including measurements obtained at accelerators and aboard lunar and planetary rovers); radiation analysis tools. space radiation risk models.
(ii) Applications to planetary science and engineering (mission design; shielding; habitats; radiation mitigation etc.)
(iii) Space biology (impact of radiation on humans as determined by experiments, simulations).