Session Details - BG17

Session Details
Section BG - Biogeosciences
Session Title The Australian Supersite Network - Biogeochemical Observatories
Main Convener Dr. Mike Liddell (TERN Australian Supersite Network, James Cook University, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Mirko Karan (TERN, Australian Supersite Network, James Cook University, Australia)
Session Description Understanding ecosystem dynamics requires consistent, linked measurements of biogeophysical and ecological properties and processes. Australia has previously had a sparse and uncoordinated set of long term (> 10 year) measurements of biogeophysical and ecological properties across its representative ecosystems. This session presents a series of inter-linked papers describing the results of a new national initiative, the Australian Supersite Network, that is transforming how Australian ecosystem scientists and managers can assess longer term changes in key environments around the country. TERN is a national research infrastructure initiative that builds on past investments in ecosystem data collection, and provides new data collection facilities, along with data storage and ease-of-access data delivery capabilities. The Australian Supersite Network plays a central part in the TERN program. This series of presentations will explain the role of Supersites and indicate how a wide range of ecosystem science disciplines are contributing to their development and implementation for understanding and monitoring ecosystem dynamics.