Session Details - AS20

Session Details
Section AS - Atmospheric Sciences
Session Title Climate Change: Regional Uncertainties and Challenges to Application
Main Convener
Co-convener(s) Prof. Jai-Ho Oh (Pukyong National University, Korea, South)
Prof. Sushil Kumar Dash (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Dr. Raffaele Salerno (EMC - Epson Meteo Centre, Italy)
Session Description Rainfall is the main source of water for more than half of the world’s population. Agriculture being the main source of subsistence also depends on the rainfall received. Extensive research has been conducted to increase our understanding of the monsoon, in particular the rainfall received through these huge regional systems. Projections of the important of man-made climate change on these rainfall and wind bearing systems will play a vital role in the future. This could have the potential to provide significant Socio-economic results by optimizing the use of both water of rainfall (monsoon or otherwise) and renewal energy, such as wind and solar power.

Trough observations and modeling, the scientific community is advancing in understanding and predicting the weather and climate, in particular together with rain-bearing systems (monsoon and other) and other extreme (e.g. temperature) events. This can help mitigate adverse impact on life, property, agriculture and water resources.

Thus there is an urgent need to provide more regional-scale information through the use of weather and climate models that could resolve small-scale features. Spatial and temporal changes in temperature, wind and rainfall are vital. This will hopefully provide more information on how climate change will affect the rainfall (monsoon and otherwise), wind and other extreme events, such as warm/cold episodes. In particular the future decision strategies in the renewal energy world must be designed to take into account of the uncertainties and probabilities of weather and climate. The necessity of integrating methods for probabilistic predictions of weather and climate with the decision processes of the energy industry is a critical challenge for the near future.

Hence this session invites possible projection of rainfall, temperature, and wind on regional aspects and the uncertainties related with this projections.