Session Details - HS15

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Water Networks: Organization, Evolution and Hydrological Implications
Main Convener Prof. Kyungrock Paik (Korea University, Korea, South)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Gavan Mcgrath (The University of Western Australia, Australia)
Session Description Water moves through landscapes, affected by form, organisation and human impacts. We consider and study water from many perspectives, including network efficiency and characterization, system evolution and optimal channel network organisation. There is also a growing realization that we need to account for the role of humans (socio-hydrology) as well as virtual water trade networks, ecological demands and urban drainage in our consideration of hydrological processes. This general session invites empirical and/or theoretical studies on physical river networks and/or the associated human systems that contribute towards an understanding of the characteristic patterns, their organizations (both human and physical) in time and space.