Session Details - HS18

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Floods, Tsunamis, Landslides and Other Extreme Events: Improved understanding for Future Climate Change Models
Main Convener Dr. Jacky Croke (Australian Rivers Institute - Griffith University, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Mr. Jonathan Nott (James Cook University, Australia)
Prof. Robert Wasson (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Prof. David Higgitt (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Session Description The role of extreme weather events (floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides etc) and enhanced climate variability is rapidly becoming a focus of concern for future climate change. Climate variability and the role of extreme events is, however, difficult to model and possible changes in climate state mean that modern climate records may be of limited use in predicting future variability. This session seeks contributions to improve understanding of (1) modern and geologically-recent extreme events(2) novel approaches to reconstructing the magnitude and frequency of past extreme events and (3) modelling approaches.