Session Details - ST28

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Radio Emission from the Sun and Planets, and from and through the Heliosphere
Main Convener Dr. Bo Li (University of Sydney, Australia)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Bernard Jackson (University of California, San Diego, United States)
Dr. Divya Oberoi (Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, India)
Dr. Baptiste Cecconi (LESIA, Paris Observatory, France)
Session Description Radio emission that originates from the Sun and planets, and radio signals generated in or transmitted through the heliosphere provide important information about solar activity, solar-planetary and solar-interplanetary connections, and the heliosphere. Analyses of these radio signals provide insights into solar flares, coronal mass ejections, their associated energetic particles, and the environment near the Sun and planets. Studying this radio emission also allows an understanding of the heliosphere; its associated wave-particle interactions, plasma waves, and turbulence. The main goal of this session is to provide a forum to present and discuss recent developments and achievements linked to these radio signals. Contributions from the perspectives of observations/experiments, applications, theory, and simulations including those dealing with interplanetary scintillation are welcome. These include (but are not limited to) results from ground-based (e.g., MWA; LOFAR) and space-borne (e.g., SOHO, STEREO) observatories, progress in future instrumentation, and efforts in modeling radio emission and associated particle and wave phenomena.