Session Details - HS29

Session Details
Section HS - Hydrological Sciences
Session Title Characterizing/modeling Extreme Rainfalls and Assessing Their Impacts on Reservoir Management
Main Convener Prof. Ke-Sheng Cheng (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Pao-Shan Yu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Prof. Liang-Cheng Chang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Prof. Kwan Tun Lee (National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan)
Session Description In recent years extreme rainfalls drawn by tropical cyclones and monsoon rainfalls have caused devastating losses of lives and properties in East and Southeast Asia countries, including Taiwan, Philippine, China, Japan and Thailand. While extreme rainfalls can be disastrous, they also account for a significant portion of water supply through reservoir storage. Increasing frequency and amount of extreme rainfalls have been observed in monsoon Asia and thus it is imperative for hydrologists to characterize/model such extreme rainfalls and further assess the impact of extreme rainfalls on reservoir management in order to mitigate flood damages and also secure water supply.
In this session, we welcome innovative models, quantitative analysis techniques, and management practices which can provide
(1) Better explanations to occurrences of extraordinary storms,
(2) Techniques for rainfall frequency analysis with presence of extreme outliers,
(3) Techniques for hill-slope erosion modeling and reservoir inflow and sediment yield estimation,
(4) Optimal multi-objectives reservoir operation during extreme storms
(5) Assessment of extreme rainfall impacts on reservoir management under certain climate change scenarios
(6) Other related examples of reservoir management under extreme storms