Session Details - SE02

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Current Understanding on the Mantle Flow, Transport, and Mixing: Views from Seismology, Geochemistry, Mineral Physics and Geodynamics
Main Convener Dr. Takashi Nakagawa (Institute For Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Frederic Deschamps (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Dr. Eh Tan (Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Dr. Nobuaki Fuji (IPG, Paris, France)
Prof. Louis Moresi (Monash University, Australia)
Session Description In the past several decades, we have been able to solve various complicated phenomena from surface to deep mantle
with ultra high pressure experiments, high resolution seismic tomography nano-scale geochemistry and massively
parallel computations. However, there are still open issues on structure, dynamics and evolution in the deep mantle
such as the origin of large-scale lateral heterogeneity and on surface dynamics such as the driving mechanism of plate
tectonics under the mantle convection system. Furthermore, difficulties remain in connecting all available results from
seismology, mineral physics and geodynamics. Solving these issues require technical and theoretical discussions,
which we hope to trigger during this session.We would like to invite contributions from all fields related to deep Earth
geophysics and geochemistry bringing something new idea and constraints.