Session Details - SE07

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Neotectonics of Active Mountain Belts in Asia-Oceania
Main Convener Prof. Kuo-En Ching (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Yi-Ying Wen (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
Prof. Takeshi Sagiya (Nagoya University, Japan)
Session Description Active mountain belts are locations of large earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and other natural hazards. These mountain belts originate from, or at least are related to, tectonic plate motions. So better understanding of orogeny and tectonic deformation processes of those mountain belts is one of central interests in solid earth science in this area. Such scientific knowledge also provides an important base for hazard mitigation. In Asia-Oceania, there are many active mountain belts such as Himalaya, Tibet, Zagros, New Zealand Alps, Taiwan, central/northeastern Japan, Philippines, etc. In this session, we aim to exchange recent scientific achievement about neotectonics of various active mountain belts in order to promote integrated understanding of mountain building mechanisms and tectonic deformation processes. Presentations about various mountain belts in all the related research fields such as seismology, geodesy, volcanology, geomorphology, structural geology, and petrology, are welcomed.