Session Details - SE12

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Insights Into Volcanic Processes Through Petrological Studies and How They Can Be Used to Better Understand Monitoring Data
Main Convener Prof. Fidel Costa (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Setsuya Nakada (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Session Description Long-term records of monitoring data including geophysical and geochemical sets are crucial for anticipating and forecasting volcanic eruptions. However, in many unrest episodes the interpretation of monitoring data in terms of processes is ambiguous, as different processes can cause the same or similar signals. Studying the eruptive products with modern petrological and geochemical tools has the capacity to provide conceptual models and data that can make a bridge towards process-based interpretations of unrest monitoring data. In this session we invite case studies of eruptions that determine the state of the magma and processes that occurred prior to eruption (magma mixing, crystallization, overturn, magma fragmentation, magma storage depth, time scales of the processes) and try to link the petrological observations with the monitoring record of the same event.