Session Details - BG02

Session Details
Section BG - Biogeosciences
Session Title Carbon Sources and Sinks in Asian Inland Water Bodies and Sediments
Main Convener Dr. Xiujun Wang (Joint Center for Global Change Studies, China)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Enlou Zhang (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Session Description Inland water bodies (e.g., rivers and lakes), as parts of the biosphere, play a role in the global cycle because of their linkages to the land and/or the ocean. There are a large number of rivers and lakes in the Asia-Oceania region, which are influenced by human activities and climate conditions. For example, Land-Use and Land-Cover Change alter the quantity and quality of the terrestrial runoff. In addition, there is evidence of climate change over the last century, e.g., warming and changes in precipitation pattern in the central Asia. These changes would alter biological and biogeochemical processes in the inland water bodies, with implications for the carbon cycle not only in the water bodies but also in the sediments. This session provides a forum for discussions of relevant research outcomes. Topics include, but are not limited to (1) major carbon pools, i.e., dissolved inorganic (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC), and particulate inorganic (PIC) and organic carbon (POC) in the water bodies and/or sediments, (2) CO2 fluxes between the water surface and atmosphere, and (3) impacts of climate change and human activity on the carbon cycle. We encourage submission of contributions using observational and modeling approaches.