Session Details - OS09

Session Details
Section OS - Ocean Sciences
Session Title Ocean-atmosphere Coupling Observed from Space
Main Convener Dr. W Timothy Liu (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Naoto Ebuchi (Hokaido University, Japan)
Session Description The decade-long continuous and consistent spacebased observations over global oceans and the recent deployments of constellations of new sensors, at various orbit inclinations and samplings have provided the golden opportunity to study ocean-atmosphere coupling from sub-daily to decadal time scales, from tropical cyclones to basin-scale ocean gyres. The surface turbulent fluxes that are governed mainly by small-scale ocean processes can be monitored and their influence on wind and current governed by larger scale geostrophic balance and baroclincity could be analyzed. Surface flux convergence and vorticity causes vertical mixing and convection that brings short term momentum and heat trapped in the mixed layer into deep ocean to be stored over time, and brings nutrient and carbon stored in deep ocean to the surface where there is light for photosynthesis. It lets the transient weather system feels the slow change of the oceans. All studies related to physical, chemical and biological exchanges between the ocean and the atmosphere using spacebased data are welcome in this session.