Session Details - SE44

Session Details
Section SE - Solid Earth Sciences
Session Title Sediments and Oceanic Palaeoenvironments of Panthalassa
Main Convener Prof. Peter Oliver Baumgartner (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Co-convener(s) Prof. Rie S. Hori (Ehime University, Japan)
Session Description Sedimentary archives of Panthalassa, the Earths largest ocean during much of the Phanerozoic, are preserved only as remnants in Circumpacific oceanic terranes on which much detailed work remains to be done. Panthalassic sedimentary archives slowly accumulated far from continents and may therefore provide excellent records of global processes such as silica and carbon cycling, aeolian and cosmic dust accumulation and global palaeoclimate.
This session seeks to attract researchers providing sedimentologic, chronologic and geochemical data and interpretations of Palaeozoic-Mesozoic sediemntary successions deposited in Panthalassa.