Session Details - ST29

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Interactions and Deflections in the Inner Heliosphere: Consequences for Space-Weather Prediction
Main Convener Dr. Mario Bisi (Science & Technology Facilities Council - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States)
Session Description The propagation of the solar material from the Sun to Earth and its prediction can be affected in many ways. Two potentially-serious effects which often have too little consideration for space-weather forecasting, particularly through numerical models, include the physical effects of interactions between transients and the deflection of transient events by the solar wind while propagating from the Sun to the Earth. This session will allow for extensive discussions of these interactions and deflections, and will also address the consequences they have for current space-weather forecasting capabilities as well as how improvements could be made for our future understanding of the physics and of the forecasting.