Session Details - ST02

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Inner Magnetospheric Dynamics
Main Convener Prof. Qiugang Zong (Peking University, China)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Anthony Lui (The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, United States)
Session Description The inner magnetosphere occupies a prominent place in space physics research. Residing in its domain are the radiation belts, the ring current, and plasmasphere. The interest in the innermagnetosphere is heightened by the successful launch of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) in August, 2012. The new mission plus several on-going missions such as Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms (THEMIS), Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers (TWINS), Cluster, Geosynchronous satellites (Los Alamos satellites and Geostationary Operational Environment satellites (GOES)) furnish a rare opportunity to advance our understanding of the physical processes in the inner magnetosphere and its linkage to other space plasma domains. All research approaches to probe the inner magnetosphere dynamics are solicited for this special session.