Session Details - ST09

Session Details
Section ST - Solar & Terrestrial Sciences
Session Title Sun-Earth System Response to Extreme Solar and Seismic Events
Main Convener Dr. Yusuke Ebihara (Kyoto University, Japan)
Co-convener(s) Dr. Nanan Balan (Nagoya University, Japan)
Prof. K. Hattori (Chiba University, Japan)
Prof. Yoshiharu Omura (Kyoto University, Japan)
Session Description The session provides a forum to present and discuss the response of the coupled Sun-Earth system to (1) extreme seismic events, (2) extreme solar events and (3) space weather effects on technology and climate. Extreme seismic events such as earth quakes and volcanoes provide the opportunity to understand the upward coupling of the atmospheric regions, and explore the possibility of using the ionosphere as a precursor of earth quake. Extreme solar events such as CMEs and ICMEs offer valuable information about the physical processes involved in the coupled Sun-Earth system through solar wind-magnetosphere interactions, magnetic reconnection, generation and propagation of waves, ring current intensification, geomagnetic storms and sub-storms, electric field intensification at sub-auroral and equatorial regions, and thermospheric and ionospheric storms. Severe space weather can cause extensive social and economic disturbances in the high-tech society by affecting satellite systems, electric power grids, communication and navigation, and Earth’s climate. Papers addressing all these aspects of the coupled Sun-Earth system through observations, theory and modeling on global and regional scales are solicited.