Session Details | |
Section | AS - Atmospheric Sciences |
Session Title | Regional Climate Downscaling in Asia and Australasia Regions |
Main Convener | Prof. Fredolin T. Tangang (National University of Malaysia, Malaysia) |
Co-convener(s) | Dr. Krishnan Raghavan (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India) Dr. Hyun-Suk Kang (Korea Meteorological Administration, Korea, South) Prof. Jason Evans (University of New South Wales, Australia) |
Session Description | Regional climate downscaling activities have gained momentum and progress in recent years in the Asia and Australasia region, primarily due to the demand for high-resolution regional climate change scenarios. Under the umbrella of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)’s COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX), four initiatives have been established in these regions and currently ongoing including CORDEX South Asia, CORDEX East Asia, CORDEX Southeast Asia and CORDEX Australasia. In addition, there are initiatives by other research groups and individuals within and outside the regions. There are various scientific issues regarding the regional dynamical climate downscaling including choices of GCMs and RCMs, domain and resolutions, parameterizations, model performance, ensemble interpretation and many others. In addition, statistical/empirical regional climate downscaling approaches have received increasing attention by researchers in the regions. Hence, this session provides scientists within and outside the CORDEX initiatives to share their scientific findings on various issues related to dynamical and statistical / empirical regional climate downscaling in the regions. Sub themes: • Evaluation of regional downscaling techniques (dynamical and statistical methods) • Added-values in regional climate downscaling • Sensitivity to the large-scale forcing, domain size, resolution, physics, and etc. • Regional climate projection and its understanding • Application of regional climate information to IAV sectors • Other issues relevant to regional climate downscaling Conveners: Prof Fredolin Tangang (CORDEX Southeast Asia) Co-coveners: Dr R Krishnan (CORDEX South Asia), Dr Hyun-Suk Kang (CORDEX East Asia), Assoc. Prof. Jason Evans (CORDEX Australasia) |